Monday, March 8, 2010

New week…new log?

It is the start of a new week…and now a new training log site. Coach Jeff from emailed me to sign up with Training Peaks. I was a little confused about this, seeing as I signed up for his beginner program and got that through Work Out Log. Now…I do enjoy Training Peaks as it is easier to use that Work Out Log, and what you get for free is so much better! I am not at the point of wanting to pay for the premium information, but as time goes on, I am sure that I will. I am hoping that Coach gets back to me regards to the reason for the change, as well as if I am going to be able to import my training plan into the Training Peaks site.
Now…there are so many program logs that are out there. It is confusing as to which one you should use? Each one has its pro’s and con’s…so I guess that it is each to his/her own. Once I figure out what is happening with the PRSFit training plan, I will select 2 to use. I am thinking that it will be one of the above to follow my training program, and then probably the Daily Mile. The Daily Mile just seems like Facebook for training. We will just have to see.
Tonight we are heading as a family to the pool…and then I will get a run in before bedtime. Maybe…depending on how much time I have before the wife and son get home tonight after work and preschool…I will try to get a Power 90 session in. I should have time…but the wife has also given me a few things that she would like me to have done as well. Hmmm…make Goobiesmum happy…or try to get a 45 min cardio session in? I am sure that I will make the right decision. Care to guess what that decision will be?
Update ~ Wow...I just signed up with the Daily Mile...and already my friend list is growing...up to 7 in a matter of minutes! Very these people are my Amateur...Fitness HEROS!! You guy’s all rock!

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