Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dean Karnazes – Ultra Marathon Man

I just finished reading Dean’s book, “Confessions of an all-night runner”, and let me tell you…I could not put it down. What an amazing story. If you have not read it…do so. I heard about it through Ultradad’s review of it, so I thought that I would request it at the library and see what all the fuss was about.
The story was incredible…and very inspirational…although…I can see how some people find him a little egocentric. That said…are you not supposed to be proud of what you have accomplished?
Regardless of what others think about him, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and will probably read it again in a few years. I am constantly inspired by the Ultra Distance runners.
Give your head a shake Tribork…first things first…learn to run

1 comment:

  1. ultra's are fun! what i like best about them is that they are mostly run on trails, and there isn't a clock at every mile and most of the time, there isn't even a mile marker! that's what makes it worrying about every single split.
