Friday, February 5, 2010

Fire Fighter Medals?

So...I pick my son up from school today...and he decides that we need to have a contest to pass the time away. "We are going to count fire hydrants Daddy." OK...I will play along...
The kid is good...picking them off miles down the road...down side streets..."Fire Hydrant...There's one...Got another one...".
By time we got home...I was soundly defeated...16-3 by the short little 4 year old in the booster seat.
"Ok you have to take me to the fire hall...because they are going to give me a medal for being the fire hydrant counting champion!!!"
It just made me smile...and put everything that stressed me out at work behind me! It is going to be a great weekend! have to find a fire fighting medal...and try to get the fire hall to give it to him! LOL! Guess I could have worse problems!


  1. too cute! maybe if you just ask them they have some sort of fire-fighter-knick-knack they could give him as his prize?

  2. That is a good suggestion. I might just do that!
    Thanks Lindsay!
