Monday, September 27, 2010

Tribork is Trying - Ep14 - Back to basics

Join me for episode 14 as I discuss how I intend to proceed in the future. Time to take a few steps backwards, in order to proceed forward.
I spoke with Iron Brandon, Jason from Geeks in Running Shoes, Coach Jeff from PRS Fit and the Runninglam. They gave me some good advice on some steps to take.
I will be back in 1 week…with an update on week 1 of the Power 90 program.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A fresh start...and new outlook...

So, here’s the thing.  I need to lose weight and get healthy.  In order to succeed at this, I need to stay injury free to keep going with the cardio.  That means…that until I loose some (lots of) weight, I need to make some changes and cut back on running.  It seems to me that running is the cause of me getting injured constantly.  Being overweight and having all of the weight pounding down on my lower limbs is too much for my body to take at this point in time.  I need to step back and make some changes, so that I can achieve my goals and live a healthier and fitter lifestyle.

So, what needs to be changed?
  • My eating habits are something to be desired.
  • Fitness plans
  • Home habits
  • Work habits

Basically, I need to reinvent myself.  This is going to be a long road, and take a lot of hard work.  Am I up for the challenge?  YES!  This is something that I have wanted for a long…LONG time.  I want to wake up every day feeling refreshed and healthy.  I want to have energy to play everyday with my son!  I need to do this for me.  I need to make these changes to create a better life for me.  This will create a better life for those around me…and allow us to get back to enjoying life…

The podcast will be continuing, but will get back to a more frequent weekly process.  The format of it will be changing though, as it is going to become more of a documentary of the process that will be changing my life.  I will be recording once a day, 7 days a week and then blending it all together to make a weekly podcast.  Each podcast will be labeled by the week.  I will also be doing some video recording to document this training and then posting it here on the blog.  This will assist me with documenting the process of change.

The plan is to continue this process for 90+ days.  The main focal point of the training will be the P90 program.  I will be doing some running, cycling as well as swimming though, as the main goal is to become a Triathlete.  This transformation of my life will be a huge undertaking, and I am fully aware of what the process will entail.  I am committed to making these changes and working hard at achieving all of the goals that I am setting for myself.

So, stay tuned…as this journey starts momentarily.  It is going to be a very…very bumpy ride…but I am in it for the long haul!

Tribork…really is Trying…
It is a mad…mad world…

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back in the saddle...again?

Shall we try this endeavor once again? I am thinking the time is right for another test of the old...overweight body.
The knee is feeling as well as it ever does. At the moment their is no pain to the touch or when it is flexed. So far so good...
The top of the left foot is feeling pretty good as well. For this one, I have been taking it really easy, and not doing anything to stress it out. Nothing but rest and relaxation for the past 3 weeks. And to tell you the truth, I am fu%king tired of rest and relaxation. I want to get out their and get some exercise. Time to get moving!
It feels really good to say that...after being a couch potato for the past 8 years. I just get so frustrated with trying to figure out how to get started...without getting hurt. Maybe the best thing for me to do is get on the bike for the first few weeks. Or get in the pool for some lengths. I am not sure. If anyone has some thoughts on what to do...please let me know. I am desperate to get going...and not get hurt!
So, I should mention that my weight is back at 250lbs. Not a huge gain, but up none the less. Not pleased about that, but not much good complaining will do for me. we go again...
And once again Trying...
See you out there...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 18th, 2010

It is Saturday morning, and I have been up since 4am listening to the sound of rain pouring down the drainpipe outside.  I am fairly sure that this is not going to be a nice day.  That is too bad, as today is the first game for my Under 6 soccer team.  This is my son's first year playing, and my first year coaching.  It should be a great season.
Now, as for my training?  We are still on hiatus.  My foot is still aching, so I am not running.  However, I did a very...VERY short jog the other night, and have not felt any pain.  My goal is to restart the program tomorrow and then every 2 days after that.  Go very slowly...and take my time with it.
As well, today I will be starting my Power 90 program once again.  Working both the strength and cardio programs.
All I can do, is what I can do, and try not to get injured once again.
I will let you know what happens with everything tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 6th, 2010

Time to get a new Doctor?  Maybe...mine seems to be the constant bearer of bad news.
So, I finally went to see the Dr today regarding both my knee and foot.  I should have stayed away.  As for my right knee, I am going for X-rays tomorrow to see if their is anything going on.  Until that point I will know not much of anything.  I am hopeful that I we find something, so at least I get an answer as to what the issue was.
Now, as for my foot, the Dr seems to think that it is plantar fasciitis.  What the Frick is that???  And how do I get rid of it?  Ok...first things first.  The Dr gave me some stretches to try and fix the issue, but to tell you the truth...after I left his office, my foot felt so much worse than when I left it.  I actually thought that it was starting to feel better...till I headed home.  I am going to search out online more information tonight and tomorrow, but if anyone knows anything about this?  Please send me an email!  Let me know what to do!!!  Tribork-at-gmail-dot-com.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September 5th, 2010

Vacation is almost it is time to get back in the saddle. Now, I am wondering...what am I going to do, seeing as my foot is still in pain, and my knee is not in top notch shape as well. Resting while I was on my last vacation was a great plan, but not going up and down the stairs of the houseboat might have been a good idea. Oh well...the pain will go away. I will be making a Dr's appointment on Tuesday to get both injuries checked out. Anyways, what am I going to be able to do while I am recovering? First thing that I will do, is get on the bike and go out riding. Get on the bike. Fun times lie ahead!
Tubing on Shuswap Lake
La Casa @ Oakanogan Lake
Let me say...that I am very happy to be home...but I am really missing vacation...