Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tribork is Trying - Episode 9

Head on over...and upload it now...here

Welcome to episode 9 of Tribork is Trying.

In this episode I discuss where I am at, and where I am heading. I recap the Golf 4 a Cure Tournament and talk about starting running next week.

Comments from the following:

* http://ultraprincess.blogspot.com/ - Stacey (Journey to an Ultramarathon and Beyond)
* http://my140point6milejourney.blogspot.com/ - KC (140 Point 5 Miles)
* http://milkthecowtriathlon.blogspot.com/ - Jon (Milk the Cow Triathlon)
* http://worldwidefestivalofraces.com/race/home - World Wide Festival of Races

See you next week…as I recap week 1 of the new program!


  1. Congrats on the golf tourny! What a great day!

    Here's hoping you'll be running and recording soon, but remember don't rush back to everything at once, be in it for the long game and reintroduce things slowly one thing at a time, that way you can monitor the affect of the changing variables and take the time to enjoy the little victories!

    Take care


  2. Thanks Stuart...I need to upload some data into Daily Mile and Buckeye, but I am taking it really slow. No major steps here...just one foot in front of the other...
