Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday June 14, 2010

Well, that was a very quick week, and the weekend seems to have gone by even quicker! I am not sure that we where home more then 1 hour all weekend...other than sleep time! Lacrosse games, birthday parties, 3 high school graduation ceremonies, a visit to see Thomas the Tank Engine...finally finished up with playing the intermissions at the Senior Men's Lacrosse game last night! This week will not be much better as it is the final week leading up to the Golf 4 a Cure Tournament. A full week of late nights with final prep getting fully underway! I love the tournament, I love the day, and I love the cause...but I will be so happy when I wake up Saturday morning...and there is nothing going on. is a lacrosse tournament that weekend...oh...and a wedding! Crap! When will this insanity end!?!?
Now...lets talk about fitness...and training.
My knee feels really good at the are going to see if we can't get a little bit more of some slow moving to test it out! The sutchers are finally out of my their is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!
I will be back soon...and hopefully with some training news!


  1. Hey Stacey...
    Just a very busy weekend...but that is now over thank goodness! Now the goal is to get out there to some form of regular order...and become a runner! Love the pics from your Ultra! Fantastic job out there! I hope your quad is coming along!
