Monday, December 27, 2010
December 27, 2010
The holiday season was wonderful in my house...but now that the "Big" day is in the rear view, it is time to get started. Again...
Within the next day or training program will start once again. Back to basics, and back to the beginning. The new program is a 9 week program from the cool running site. As well...I will get on riding the new trainer I received from my Mom and Sister/Brother-in-law for Christmas! Could not have asked for a better present.
As well, I will be editing...and uploading the newest episode on New Years morning. As a revelation for myself...this year...their will be a serious lack of booze to ring in the new year. The perfect way to start the year off the way that I hope the rest of the year goes. Now, I am not saying I have a drinking problem...I just do not need the empty calories from the drinks that I do have 1-2 times a week. Nothing major...
It really is time...and I need to do this...before it is too late...
One last thing...I will be moving the blog over to the wordpress least for the Podcast information.
Talk to you soon...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tribork is Trying - Ep 17 - Time to regroup...
Here we go with a new plan for the future...
A special thanks to Brent - Canuckrunner for the time that he took to give me some advice
And to Coach Jeff - PRS Fit - for working with me and the issues that I am having...
See you all out there...real soon...
Thank you all for listening...and sending me your support!
I will get their!!
Find the Episode HERE
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November 11th - 2010 - Remembrance Day
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
Today is Remembrance Day here in Canada, Veteran’s Day in the US, and it is a day that to me, seems to be forgotten by our youth. Whose fault is that? Parents, Teachers?
Since I was a little boy, I can remember my parents taking me to the ceremonies every year. It was a family event, rain or shine. My Grandpa (Mom’s Dad), fought in WW2, and was a part of the crew that swept the mines in the waters of Normandy in the days leading up to the war. As I grew up, I used to try and ask him questions about the war, and what sort of things that he saw. He would take a deep breath, and just say death. Then slowly change the subject. I never pushed the subject, as I could tell that it was still tender even after all these years had passed. He never watched war movies, as he felt they glorified what really happened out there. You can not capture that emotion he would say…
Today I remember him…and the sacrifices that he made to serve his country.
I remember those that gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we have now. The freedom to run wherever and whenever we want.
Today I remember…and pay my respects.
If you get a chance, go to this link - - and watch the video. It is a true story and inspired Terry to write the song and make the video. You can also find the video on You Tube.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tribork is Trying - Ep16 - Still Going
In this episode we talk about where we are with the training. How Power 90 is going, what is happening with the cross training and how I am sorting out my nutrition.
Remember to pay your respects and show your support on November 11th for Veterans Day and Remembrance Day.
See you out there...
November 8th
This past weekend was actually a fairly nice one. Now, I am not talking about weather…or getting outside and getting exercise. Actually, not talking about anything fitness related at the moment. This weekend, my wife and I where able to head across the Border to the United States, and enjoy a date. For our anniversary back in October, I bought her and I tickets to go and see the US Tour of – So You Think You Can Dance. It was being held in the Tacoma Dome, just down the I-5, South of Seattle. My wife loves this show…and I have to admit, I did watch it this season, and really enjoyed it. Talk about athletes! Wow…these kids are in shape!
So that was our reason for heading down their…but the nice part was that…it was just us. It has not been just the two of us doing anything in a long…long time. It was nice to be able to talk to each other, with out having to spell out words. To be free to talk about our upcoming Christmas Surprise Vacation to Disneyland. Nice to go shopping…and not have to listen to – “I want this”, “I am hungry”, “Are we there yet?” Just nice to relax…the two of us.
Of course…at the end of the day…we just wanted to see our boy! A bit of a catch 22.
On Sunday morning, I got up a little early…and did the Power 90 program, and then went for a very quick ½ hour bike ride. Stayed seating in the saddle…but rode hard. A very good leg work out.
After that…got the boy…and had a very nice family afternoon!
A good weekend!Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tribork is Trying - Ep15 - 1st weeks of P90
- Progress with the Power 90 program
- Other fitness training
- nutrition plan? What is that?
- Winter Vacation Extravaganza!!
- My dream bike
- Ultradad and his amazing Ep 53
- My weight in...
See you all next week...if their is anyone still listening!
Day 17 - Power 90
Tonight will be Day 17, of the Power 90 training program – Sculpt 1-2. Can’t wait!
Thursday during the day, my lingering sore throat evolved into a full blown cold, and knocked me off my feet. I usually get sick two times a year; once at the beginning of summer, and then like clockwork, again at the beginning of winter. I could really set my calendar to it if I chose. Oh well. Friday I was like the walking dead, Saturday spent morning in bed cursing everything that moved! Saturday afternoon was better, after the wife cursed me out for being a wuss and gave me some pills and Dr. Buckley’s medicine. By Sunday, I was on my way to recovery, and now…here we are feeling…somewhat normal. Not quite there…but getting very close!
So…that means there has been no fitness since Wed…and I am feeling really guilty! I should get home around 4pm tonight, and it will be straight to the family room and into the Power 90 program for me. As well, I have neglected to weight in, so I will do that while recording it for the podcast!
I hate being sick…and I missed working out. So very happy to hear those words leave my mouth!
Along with the not training over the weekend…it was Halloween. What a weekend it was! My son was so very excited all day…and to annoy his parents…asking…every 15 minutes…”Is it time to get my costume on yet?”…”Now is it time?” My son and I left our house around 6:30pm and by 7pm, we had a bag full of goodies! Far too much for a 4 year old at least! I would share with him…but I am trying to be good…and loose weight! (I really hate the fact…that I LOVE chocolate!) After getting home, we got in the car, and headed over to Grandma’s to trick or treat, fill the bag up again, and then head up to the in-laws for one final stop. What a night! He had so much fun…and was all wound up by time for bed! Out like a light though…which was very nice! Halloween 2010 was a great success…and my son has already informed me of what he wants to be next year! Just enjoy this year kid…live in the moment…
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Power 90 - Day 11
Monday, October 25, 2010
Power 90 - Day 10 Video Blog
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
One more kick at the can...
As for my diet, it has been relatively good over the past several weeks. I have not gained anything back, and have been consistent at a weight of 250 lbs (at least I had not gained weight back before the other nights dinner of pizza). For me, that is a good thing, not gaining my weight back. I have been eating healthier (other than last night’s pizza) but there is so much more that I can do. Many more little changes that I can make to assist me achieving my goals. The plan is to eat more fruits and veggies during the day while working, and have healthier clean eating meals at dinner time. I am not planning on going vegetarian/vegan, but I am planning on eating clean.