Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nothing good can happen here!!!

Well, last night we fell off the health wagon…and dropped right back into our previous paths of convenience eating. McD’s!!! Not a good thing. It was a long day for both Kelli and I, and we where both REALLY tired…so in a moment of weakness…we ate McDonalds for dinner. It tasted great…but that has to be the last time!

Needless to say…we both regretted out decision later that evening…as we sat curled up on the couch with our son watching TV. No fitness activities following McDonalds. BLAH!!

No more fast food!!! Can not happen!!! Must get healthy!! Must get on track!!! Must program voices in head to keep repeating these phrases!!!

Up at 4am on Friday as I had and extremely busy day in the office, and it takes me an hour to get there. For those of you that are not familiar with the Lower Mainland in BC, everything is connected by rivers and bridges. I am only 44 km from the office…but most days it take over an hour to get to and from. That is what podcasts are for now…as what is on the radio really sucks!! Thank goodness for Zen and the Art of Triathlon, Tri N Reality, Kelownagurl and Disney Runner! Catching up on all of their old episodes really makes the drive easier…and more calm…so thank you all for that! Not sure what I am going to do once I get caught up to their current episodes…but we’ll deal with that when that issue presents itself!

It was a long day at work…and then get home to discover that the dishwasher is spitting water out the bottom of the door…and all over the floor. Once I get that cleaned up…I discover that…we need a new dishwasher! Hmmm…new dishwasher…or new aerobars??? I know what my choice would be…but…I would be informed that it would be the wrong choice.

Sunday…we bought a new dishwasher…and for the money that the wife spent this thing better fricken load itself, and then but away the clean dishes afterwords.

Monday…now I have to install this new machine…which should be really interesting…seeing as how I am not mechanically inclined! The Kelli is going to assist me…and I am thinking that I should record part of this…but it might be too much work to edit the material for a podcast.

Wish me luck!!!


1 comment:

  1. McDs! I love McDs, A&W, Wendy's all you have to do is run more. Of course that fat is still coarsing through your arteries but it is so good.
